Scope and content
The fonds gathers audiovisual material generated by Antoni Martí, together with colleagues from the beginning of his film career: Albert Abril, Quim Monzó, Dolors Fuster, Juli Cuartero, Roser Fradera, Quim Sota, and Ernest Costa. The chronological scope of the material spans from 1971 to 1986. In 1984, he was already working in his production company, Video Play Serveis (whose material belongs to another fonds), but in 1986 he still carried out some work outside of the company.
The geographical scope of the material's content mainly covers Catalonia, although there is also material from other parts of Spain such as Menorca or Northern and Central Spain.
The content of the fonds can be broken into two sections: independent amateur cinema in sub-standard 8 mm and Super 8 formats, in which we find experimental documentaries, reports, and narrative films; and professional cinema in 16 and 35 mm formats, including news programmes for the Institut del Cinema Català made in 1977, documentaries for the series Comarques de Catalunya produced by the Centre Promotor de la Imatge between 1981 and 1985, and narrative films in standard 35 mm format.
Other noteworthy projects include narrative films such as Hic digitur dei, from 1976-1977, and El pallasso espanyat, from 1975, and documentaries such as Som una nació, from 1977.
It should be noted that in the audiovisual projects, apart from the authorship of the production that corresponds to Mr Antoni Martí, there may also be music, old images extracted from other productions, and scripts with their own authors and, therefore, their own rights.
The 13 photographs of film shoots are also worth highlighting.