Fons Antoni Martí (en tractament)

Antoni Martí Fonds

Antoni Martí i Gich (Barcelona, 1947)

This fonds results from the professional work that Antoni Martí has carried out on his own as producer and director of cinema productions and documentaries.

The content of the fonds can be broken down into two sections:

- Independent amateur cinema, in substandard 8 mm format and in Super-8, containing experimental docu- mentaries, reports and fiction cinema.

- Professional cinema in the 16 and 35 mm formats, including news broadcasts of the Institut del Cinema Català made in 1977, documentaries in the Comarques de Catalunya (Counties of Catalonia) series commissioned by the Centre Promotor de la Imatge between 1981 and 1985, and fiction films in standard or 35 mm format.

Area of identification
Reference code
Level of description
Antoni Martí Fonds
Date of creation: 1969-1984 / Date of addition: 1984-2008
Volume and support
28 audiovisual productions (moving image) in MPEG2 format, each occupying 715 MB of disk space, in magnetic storage media; and 13 digital photographs (still image), in uncompressed TIFF format, with 27 MB of disk space occupied by each image of approximately 2400 × 3600 pixels and 21 × 30 cm with 300 PPI, in magnetic storage media.
Context area
Name of producer(s)
Antoni Martí i Gich
Producer history
Antoni Martí i Gich (Barcelona, 1947) is a documentary and film maker. He studied advertising in the Escola Massana art and design school in Barcelona between 1966 and 1972, and he began his work in film alongside other professionals such as Albert Abril, Quim Monzó, Dolors Fuster, Juli Cuartero, Roser Fradera, Quim Sota, and Ernest Costa, using the sub-standard format in narrative films and independent cinema. In 1977, he turned professional. He produced news programmes for the Institut del Cinema Català (ICC - Catalan Cinema Institute) and, from 1979 to 1983, he taught classes in film at the Centre d'Ensenyament de la Imatge visual media training centre, at the Escola Massana art and design school in Barcelona, at the Institut d'Ensenyament de la Bisbal secondary school, and at several schools in Girona (Bruguera, Carme Auguet, Font de la Pólvora, Vila-roja, etc.). From 1981 to 1985, he worked on the series Comarques de Catalunya (Counties of Catalonia) for the production company Centre Promotor de la Imatge, together with Ferran Llagostera, Ildefons Duran, Albert Abril, Pep Callís, Manel Cussó, and Antoni Verdaguer. He also collaborated in over thirty reports for the Spanish TVE broadcaster's (Catalan Circuit) programme Comarques and in the ICC and TV3 television channel's series Pobles de Catalunya (Villages of Catalonia).
Archive history
This fonds is the result of the work that Antoni Martí has undertaken alone as a producer and director of narrative films and documentaries. Antoni Martí started the creation of his fonds in Barcelona, where he began his career as film-maker with amateur projects in 8 mm and Super 8 formats. Later, he began to work in professional cinema with 16 and 35 mm formats. The productions he carried out, together with other colleagues, were organised, classified, and preserved by him. In 1984, together with four colleagues, he created the production company Video Play Serveis, with headquarters at number 25 Carrer Ample in La Bisbal d'Empordà. Antoni Martí's productions were moved to that headquarters, where they were organised in a room used by the company as an archive. The company's camera equipment and finished productions are stored there. Although they are stored in the same place as the works produced by Video Play, they have always been organised separately so as not to lose the order or the meaning of Antoni Martí's fonds. The finished productions were digitised in MPEG2 format by the production company, which also developed a catalogue of all of the productions. In 2008, Mr Antoni Martí, aware of the value of his work, transferred digital copies and usage rights to INSPAI, Girona Provincial Council's Image Centre. The author has the original material, but probably after a certain period of time it will be preserved definitively in the INSPAI facilities. The acquisition by the Image Centre took place through four deliveries of 50 audiovisual works, each in digital format in a magnetic hard drive, and each delivery was accompanied by lists that served as a catalogue, which the owners had previously prepared. When the material was acquired by INSPAI, it was migrated to Girona Provincial Council's network. Together with the audiovisual material, Antoni Martí also provided digital copies of photographs of his film shoots and material related to the fonds (described in section 5.3)
Details of entry
Acquired on 21 May 2009 through an agreement for the transfer of cinematographic works produced by Mr Antoni Martí Gich and their exploitation rights to Girona Provincial Council's Image Centre.
Content area and structure
Scope and content
The fonds gathers audiovisual material generated by Antoni Martí, together with colleagues from the beginning of his film career: Albert Abril, Quim Monzó, Dolors Fuster, Juli Cuartero, Roser Fradera, Quim Sota, and Ernest Costa. The chronological scope of the material spans from 1971 to 1986. In 1984, he was already working in his production company, Video Play Serveis (whose material belongs to another fonds), but in 1986 he still carried out some work outside of the company. The geographical scope of the material's content mainly covers Catalonia, although there is also material from other parts of Spain such as Menorca or Northern and Central Spain. The content of the fonds can be broken into two sections: independent amateur cinema in sub-standard 8 mm and Super 8 formats, in which we find experimental documentaries, reports, and narrative films; and professional cinema in 16 and 35 mm formats, including news programmes for the Institut del Cinema Català made in 1977, documentaries for the series Comarques de Catalunya produced by the Centre Promotor de la Imatge between 1981 and 1985, and narrative films in standard 35 mm format. Other noteworthy projects include narrative films such as Hic digitur dei, from 1976-1977, and El pallasso espanyat, from 1975, and documentaries such as Som una nació, from 1977. It should be noted that in the audiovisual projects, apart from the authorship of the production that corresponds to Mr Antoni Martí, there may also be music, old images extracted from other productions, and scripts with their own authors and, therefore, their own rights. The 13 photographs of film shoots are also worth highlighting.
Conditions for access and use area
Conditions for access
Free and open access.
Related documentation area
Related documentation
Digital copies of posters for films and documentaries made by Antoni Martí, digital copies of magazines with interviews and material relating to Antoni Martí and his colleagues, and newspaper cuttings relating to the work of Antoni Martí and his colleagues.
Control of description area
Author and date(s)
Description made by SGM in October 2009.
The unit of description. For a better description, we used the lists prepared by the creator (mentioned in section 4.5), publications that refer to the creator (mentioned in section 5.4), and related material (mentioned in section 5.3).
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