Fons Rafael Vilarrubias

Rafael Vilarrubias Fonds

Rafael Vilarrubias i Ros
(Igualada, 1905 - Banyoles, 1953)

This fonds is made up of images from Rafael Vilarrubias personal fonds and from his professional career as studio portrait photographer and photojournalist for La Vanguardia i Día Gráfico and newspapers and for the local Banyoles magazine Horizontes from 1925 to 1953. Vilarrubias photographs bear exceptional witness to subjects infrequently found in the INSPAI, i.e. the Second Republic, the Spanish Civil War and the post-war period.

In July 2006, Rafael Vilarrubias daughter Carme jointly ceded non-exclusive rights of the photographic fonds to the INSPAI Image Centre.

Area of identification
Reference code
Level of description
Rafael Vilarrubias Fonds
Date of creation: 1925-1953 Date of incorporation: 1940-1953/2000-2006 (*See sub-section 6.1 Notes)
Volume and support
812 images: fixed images, digital format Data format: uncompressed TIFF Disk space occupied by image: 27 MB Dimensions: +/- 2,400x3,600 px Size in cm at 300 ppi: 21x30 cm Medium: magnetic
Context area
Name of producer(s)
Rafael Vilarrubias Ros
Producer history
Rafael Vilarrubias was born in Igualada in 1905, and died in Banyoles in 1953. He embarked on his professional career in the world of images with gallery commercial photography in Banyoles (before that he worked as a clerk in an Igualada factory). He opened his first premises in the Born street in Banyoles, and subsequently moved to the dels Valls street in the same town. He took portrait photographs as well as landscapes, views, and social events in Banyoles and nearby towns and villages. In 1932 he began to work as a photojournalist for the newspaper La Vanguardia, and he published there a large number of photographs until 1937: 12 on the front page and 27 on the inside pages, in the graphic-chronicle section. Alongside that he was also contributing to the graphic newspaper Día Gráfico until 1939, when the newspaper ceased to publish. There he published 38 pictures, particular of the Republican rearguard in the Spanish Civil War, and other political events of the time, particularly in Banyoles and its environs. From 1947 to 1953 he did assignments for the local Banyoles magazine Horizontes (now called Revista de Banyoles). Over that period he went on combining his work as a press photographer with his work in portraits in his studio and in the open air. He did much to popularise the cinema in the Pla de l¿Estany area. He had filming equipment as from 1935, and used it to produce documentaries on social, leisure and political events in Banyoles and its surroundings, which he showed in halls and cinemas in the area, alongside the fashionable films of the day.
Archive history
During his professional career, the photographer Rafael Vilarrubias kept negatives or prints of his work in his own workshop In the dels Valls street. Copies were also kept at the newspapers and magazines he contributed to, and by his gallery¿s clients, who bought his pictures. After the photographer¿s sudden death in 1953, the family sold some of the material, which went into the care of institutions or private individuals; another part of the work went astray, and only the pictures most closely related to the family or to private affairs were kept by the family, in the form of plastic negatives or prints, some of which were mounted in cardboard albums. Thus from that time onwards the fonds became completely fragmented, mutilated and dispersed. As regards the material he had produced for various publications such as the La Vanguardia newspaper, the newspaper itself kept prints in a store away from the newspaper, and they were digitised. The whereabouts of pictures he published in other newspapers such as Día Gráfico or the magazine Horizontes, now called Revista de Banyoles, for whom Vilarrubias made contributions, remains unknown. In 2000, the photographer¿s grandson Esteve Vilarrúbies began the task of recovering the fonds, which included gallery portraits, pictures of social events in Banyoles, belonging to local people or to Banyoles Town Council. Some of the pictures kept by the newspaper La Vanguardia were also recovered in digital format. The Vilarrubias family assigned the Rafael Vilarrubias Fonds in digital format on 16 July 2006 to INSPAI, the Image Centre of the Diputació de Girona, to enrich the Emili Massanas i Burcet Image Archive¿s fonds. As for its treatment at the archive, the fonds is included in the Archive¿s Guide to the Fonds as a personal and family fonds. Regarding the dissemination work carried out by Diputació de Girona¿s INSPAI, the Image Centre, in addition to attending to any consultations coming in from users, whether via the website or in person, the fifth volume of the photograph publication Quaderns de Fotografia, devoted to the Rafael Vilarrubias Fonds, was published in April 2007.
Details of entry
Incorporation was by means of an assignment contract for the fonds of the photographer Rafael Vilarrubias signed by Diputació de Girona and Mrs. Carme Vilarrubias, daughter of the photographer and holder of the copyright and usage rights, on 19 July 2006.
Content area and structure
Scope and content
This Fonds brings together the photographic documentation produced by the photographer Rafael Vilarrubias during his professional career and for his family life. The chronological span of the graphic material runs from 1925 to his death in 1953, though with gaps in the period before he turned professional in 1931. The subjects photographed in the fonds can be divided into two sections: family and professional. The former features personal photographs, some of which were not taken by the photographer himself, and they show the photographer¿s private world. Family portraits and self portraits are included in that section. The latter section features photographs from his professional work as a producer, ranging from his work as a gallery portrait photographer, his records of events in his own town of Banyoles and of nearby towns and villages, to his output as a photojournalist, including pictures from the Republican period, his work in the rearguard during the Spanish Civil War, and the aftermath of the war, particularly in Banyoles.
Conditions for access and use area
Conditions for access
Free access
Related documentation area
Related documentation
We have a digital-format copy of pages and front pages of magazines and newspapers in which Rafael Vilarrubias published some of his pictures. They are copies for consultation, with no reproduction rights: Digital images of 12 front covers and 27 inside pages of the graphic supplement Notas Gráficas, of the newspaper La Vanguardia , from 1932 down to 1949. Digital images of cuttings from pages of the newspaper Día Gráfico in which he published 38 pictures from 1932 to 1939. Digital images of the magazine Horizontes (now called Revista de Banyoles) from 1947 to 1953. Interviews with Mrs. Carme Vilarrubias, the photographer¿s daughter, and his assistant Mr. Jacint Romans, in September 2006, are also kept. This oral testimony seeks to record certain characteristic features of the Banyoles photographer.
Control of description area
Author and date(s)
Description made by SGM, under the direction of Natàlia Navarro i Sastre (January-October 2007).
The unit of description itself. To achieve a better description, the bibliography on the author and his work was used (cited in section 5.4 under ¿Bibliography¿). The Vilarrubias family has also cooperated at all times in describing the pictures, particularly in section 2.2. on the history of the producer of this file. Other information located in the Pla de l¿Estany County Archive (CAT ACPE) and in interviews with the archivist Josep Grabuleda.
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