The Image Centre currently has more than one million images taken by professional and amateur photographers, from both personal and family collections.

Thematic scope
Institutional photography / Press photography / Heritage photography
Family photography / Commercial and Advertising photography / Artistic photography / Nature photography

Geographic scope
Regions of Girona / Towns of Girona / Catalonia / Spain / Europe / Central America
Amèrica Central

Chronological scope
From 1855 to today

Imatge arxiu
Collection Chronology of images Number of fixed / moving images
1. Provincial Administration Fonds
1. Diputacio de Girona fonds 1845-present (open fonds) +/- 100,000 photographs (glass plate negatives, plastic negatives, paper positives, digital images)
2. Institutional Fonds
2. Greenways Consortium Fonds 1999 - 2001 331 photographs
3. Collection of the Geography and History Seminar of the Jaume Vicens Vives Institute 1849-1930 1,408 photographs
4. Salesians Collection. Dates of creation and addition: 1899-1955 25 digital images.
3. Private fonds and collections
1. Company fonds
1. L'Indépendant Fonds 1966-1977 958 photographs
2. Video Play Fonds 1984 - 2008 228 audiovisual and 113 photos
2. Family fonds
1. Lluís Hugas i Grau Fonds 1940-1960 4,424 photographs
4. Ferrer Culubret - Morros Sardá Fonds ca. 1900-1935 242
5. Elias Pagès Fonds 1850-1970 1,000 photographs, 26 films
6. Lobo Serra Batlle Fonds 1850-1994 5,000 photographs
7. Iglesias-Xifra Fonds Mid 19th century -1970 1.235 photographs
3. Personal fonds and collections
1. Pablo García Cortés, Pablito fonds 1957 - 1984 +/- 200.000 photographs
2. Comalat Fonds 1979 - 1987 90.000 photographs
3. Dani Duch fonds 1978 - 2011 +/- 53.000 photographs
4. Rafael Vilarrubias Fonds 1925 - 1953 812 photograhs
5. Jordi Soler Fonds 1960-2006 16.356 photographs
6. Joaquim Cabezas collection 1860 - 1950 287 photographs
7. Pagès Fuertes collection 1855-1960 126 photographs
8. Valentí Fargnoli Fonds 1902 - 1944 834 photographs
9. Martí Roura fonds 1941 - 1980 321 photographs
10. Josep Maria Vila Collection 1910-1950 106 photographs on paper
11. Pascual Menacho Collection 1941-1950 122 photographs
12. Jordi Bertran Gallart Fonds 1956 8 photographs
13. Antoni Martí Fonds 1969 - 1984 28 audiovisual and 13 photos
14. Emili Massanas i Burcet Fonds and Collection 1855 - 1990 +/- 20.000
15. Ruiz fonds 1955 - 2008 >150.000
16. Miquel Bataller i Fàbregas Fonds 1960 - 1970 1,200
17. Carreras Canals Fonds 1950-1970 40 stills (black and white 35mm polyester plastic negatives) and 86 gelatin POP photographs (gelatin and silver chemical developing) on paper, in black and white.
19. Quim Giró Collection Late 19th century - mid 20th century 82
22. Col·lecció Rabell Rigau 1920-1960 184 postcards
23. Josep Iglésias i Trias Collection 1979 - 2016 +/- 124.000 fotografies
24. Marçal Molas Collection 1990-2016 133,500 analogue photographs and 61,800 digital images
26. Manel Lladó Aliu Fonds (in process) 1984-2021 150,000 photographs
28. Pius Pujades Fonds 1960-1980 1,054 prints on paper (collection: 259, personal fonds: 791)
29. Fons Josep Maria Bohigas Pujol 1950 to 1990 1,140
30. Josep Fontbernat Verdaguer Fonds Start and end dates: 1906-1975 50 photographs
31. Ernest Costa Savoia Fonds 1962-2014 15,246 digital images, with magnetic support, 4,724 × 4,724 pixels, uncompressed TIFF; color depth: 16 bits per channel; capture resolution: 400 dpi; memory volume: 125 MB.
32. Fons Manel Sarassa 1930-1960 17 Photographs
33. Julio Esteban Ascension Collection 1950-1970 1 album with 109 photographs
34. Fons F. Ponsatí (MMECAE) 1970-1990 30 films and 2 posters
35. Kim Castells Fonds 1979-2017 10,970 photographs and 15,246 digital images
36. Ramon Vila Sanllehí Fonds 1964-2010 40,000 photographs
37. Martí Calvo fonds 1960-2000  37,000 photographs in different formats: 35 mm, 6 × 6, 6 × 7, and 9 × 12 cm negatives in black and white and color on cellulose acetate; and 30 x 40 cm photographic copies on paper.
38. Banús-March Collection Initial date: 1990 End date: 2003 35,570 colour photographs (5 x 35mm polyester negatives, 2 paper prints, 35,115 polyester slides and 450 transparencies in the following formats: 35 mm, 6 × 4.5 cm, 6 × 6 cm, 6 × 7.5 cm, 6 × 8.5 cm i 12.5 × 10 cm), 1 CD and related documents.
4. Factitious collections
1. Col·lecció d'àlbums
2. Direct positive camera collection 1849-1890 4 daguerreotypes, 3 ambrotypes, 1 ferrotype, 1 salt paper.
3. Positive print collection 1888-1956 4 albumen prints; 1 made using an unknown color procedure; 8 photographs, prints (paper), black and white, 6 x 8.5 format, gelatin silver (DOP) process.
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Plaça de l'Hospital, 6 - 17002 Girona. Tel. 972 185 058 / 972 185 000
Location Legal notice Diputació de Girona 2018