Photography Journals' Collection»

Through publications, the 'Photography Journals' collection disseminates the photographic fonds comprising some of the donations and releases from photographers or individuals.



Each year, Girona Provincial Council's Culture Department publishes a series of ten bookmarks created using images from the Image Centre's photographic fonds as a means of dissemination.


Young Photographer Award catalogues

The Young Photographers Award catalogues collect images from exhibitions held as part of this initiative and enable the work of these artists to be seen.


'One Hundred Years of Images' Collection

The publications of the 'One Hundred Years of Images' collection disseminate the Image Centre's photographic collections and fonds based around a given theme.

Field survey

Publications that study photographic documentation in all its aspects and that show the state which the images and the photographic heritage are in.


Digitization guide

It is a publication aimed at archives, museums, documentation centers, and cultural facilities that manage photographic documentation. All these aspects related to best practices in the processes of digitalization of the photographic material are described.

Articles / Research

Collection of technical articles dealing with different aspects of image documents related to the history of photography, archival management, digitisation, dissemination, and opinion, among others.


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Plaça de l'Hospital, 6 - 17002 Girona. Tel. 972 185 058 / 972 185 000 info@inspai.catinfo@inspai.cat
Location Legal notice Diputació de Girona 2018