Estudi de camp del patrimoni fotogràfic dels museus de la Xarxa Terriotorial de Museus de les comarques gironines

Field survey of the photographic heritage of the museums that form the Territorial Museum Network of the counties of Girona

The "Field survey of the photographic heritage of the museums that form the Territorial Museum Network of the counties of Girona" is the result of the collaborative project between the Department of Culture of the Provincial Council (Diputació), through the entities Cooperació Cultural and INSPAI, and the Territorial Museum Network of the counties of Girona.

Field survey
Estudi de camp de les col·leccions i dels fons fotogràfics dels ajuntaments de les comarques gironines

Field survey of the photographic collections and archives of the Girona county councils

In September 2010, during the 2nd Technical Conference "The photographic heritage of the counties of Girona. The management of images in local entities", the Field survey of the photographic collections and archives of the Girona county councils was presented.

This document has contributed to the knowledge of photographic documentation in all its aspects, as it shows the state which the images and the photographic heritage of the county councils of the province are in.

The fundamental goal of this survey was to evaluate the status of the photographic collections and archives that are managed and safeguarded by the local entities of the counties of Girona. The information obtained has made it possible to analyse, define and accurately plan the guidelines for the Technical Advisory Service that INSPAI offers to the municipalities of Girona in order to make progress in managing, caring for and preserving their photographic heritage.

Field survey
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Location Legal notice Diputació de Girona 2018