Guia de digitalització d'arxius fotogràfics

Valentí Fargnoli, delegat de l'Arxiu Mas. Carme Perrotta.

This article, written by Carmen Perrota, an art historian holding a PhD from the Universitat de Barcelona and a documentary technician at Institut Amatller d’Art Hispànic (Photography Department), is a study based on a comparative analysis of Valentí Fargnoli’s photographs kept atInstitut Amatller d’Art Hispànic, in the Adolf Mas collection, and the photographs of the Fons Valentí Fargnoli kept at INSPAI, Centre de la Imatge.

Matching photographs, when compared with each other, provide very interesting information, such as a more accurate dating or hypotheses about the creation of reports or the execution of the images by the photographer.

Valentí Fargnoli, delegat de l'Arxiu Mas
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